Peter Angermann

Aus Grauer Vorzeit (From the Dim and Distant Past) 1979

casein on canvas  170 x 200 cm

Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg

Taub in Bischofsheim (Deaf in Bischofsheim) 2007

acrylic on canvas  100 x 130 cm  

Private Collection, Korea

The art is to hide the art. Peter Angermann is a supreme master of painting, a concentrated skill he has honed gradually over 40 years to express his wicked, impish delight in the folly of mankind, his sheer joy at being alive (he's the most superb plein-air landscape painter I know working today), and his growing, troubled perception of humanity’s inhumanity.

Taub in Bischofsheim depicts a horrific incident which took place in a Bavarian town - the murder of a woman by drunken thugs in broad daylight and full view of passers-by. He has painted the cyclist as a self-portrait to show that he sympathises with the people who were in this terrible situation. Who else could paint such a tragic dilemma?  But he has - from the cyclist's regulation helmet, the bike's shaky wheels and the silhouette of the church in the distance to the crouching hoody watching, the spurts of blood and drunken cheers.

The energy that sears through his work is the spirit of our age.

For more information please visit Peter’s website: